Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Going Out

Despite Jennifer Lopez's latest attempt to keep going in, which seems to be the latest trend of life style which people are getting quite comfortable with, I'm actually going in opposite direction by going out, out, as in outdoor to be exact.

Going out was actually the best advice my mom gave me this year, when I was still in a zero-distant, super-glue-tight relationship with my laptop and Internet. As it turns out, the less static I stayed, the more weight I lose. As it turns out, I kinda enjoy outdoor activities, such as swimming, cycling, hiking and other stuff that involved sweat and dirt.

But on the down side, I find it hard to find myself some companies to do those outside stuff with me. Like when it's super sunny, I can hardly find anyone who would be interested to take a dip at the sea or at the river with me. Part of the reason is my limited social circle, but the main reason, in my opinion, is that going out is just not as cool and fun as it used to be.

So, maybe next time when I ask you to go out with me, you'll know what I mean.

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