We did our last presentation today, technically it was yesterday since it's already 1.17 in the morning. After one presentation after another, this is the last one before we graduate. Gosh, we've come a long way haven't we.
My memory of my first presentation involved me trying to be funny, a set of power-point slides with tons of words and most of the time, I wasn't really sure what I was talking about. I've worked with so many people for these inevitable presentation and at the end of it all, I've found the one team that I work best with, I guess most of us found our own team that suit us the best. I don't me to brag but I always thought of my team as pretty awesome, even if we had our ups and downs.
The most unforgettable presentation was the one we did last year, when we conducted the whole thing in English. Ever since I knew that I'm stuck with doing Chinese for the rest of my 4 years here, I literally gave up hope on doing something with my English. But when we were given a choice to carry out the presentation in Malay or in English, we choose the later. My teammates must have seen it as a suicidal mission but we managed to pull it off. Hey, we survived lol
So, no more presentations from now until who knows when. I'm gonna miss doing group discussion at the library even if I hated it there because it felt like The North Pole there. I'm gonna miss doing the rehearsal before the real presentation so we won't mess it up. As for the doing the report, I'm not gonna miss that part anytime soon. Before I click publish, I wanna take this opportunity to thank all of my teammates a.k.a. group members who have worked with me a long the way. Thank you for opening my eyes and I hope I opened yours too, even just a tiny bit. Thanks guys and gals XD
The Audience |
Wan Run, our group member all the way from China |
Special guest Jessie Goh answering Wan Run's question. |
Thanks =)
i'm glad to have you as my group mate~
wow! pretty!
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